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  • Lake of The Woods, OR

    by Amanda June 6, 2018

    We spent our first week in Oregon at the Aspen Point Campground on the shores of Lake of the Woods. There are three campgrounds on the eastern shore of the…

  • Looking Back on 2017

    by Amanda January 1, 2018

    Another year come and gone. 2017 was our fifth full year on the road and ended up being very different from the previous years with the first three months and…

  • Christmas in the Northeast

    by Amanda December 29, 2017

    After our fantastic mini-vacation in Chicago, we boarded a plane and headed east to spend a few weeks with family and friends. Frist up — Delaware to visit Tim’s sister…

  • Sunday, October 15 I woke up this morning feeling like I had aged 50 years overnight. All the muscles in my upper body were sore, my elbows and knees raw and…

  • Return To Capitol Reef

    by Amanda October 10, 2017

    Sunday, October 1 (continued) Two years ago we visited Capitol Reef and stayed at the Thousand Lake RV Park in nearby Torrey. At the time there was some question as…

  • This is the first time we’ve visited a town that is also a national park. Or maybe it’s a national park that is also a town? To make matters even…

  • Looking Back on 2016

    by Amanda December 31, 2016

    As 2016 rolls to a close it’s time to once again take a look back at where we’ve been over the past 12 months. This was a well-traveled year for…

  • Thankful

    by Amanda November 26, 2016

    For the last week and a half we’ve been parked in the driveway at my mom and stepdad’s house in North Carolina. Early in the week my brother and his wife…

  • Westmore Land State Park

    by Amanda November 18, 2016

    We spent last week at Westmoreland State Park. This spacious park on the edge of the Potomac River has trails that wind through the woods and a small beach where…

  • I’m not sure when my fascination with lighthouses began. They certainly were not on my radar before we started full-timing. Living in the landlocked state of Vermont, lighthouses were only…

  • Saying Goodbye

    by Amanda October 6, 2016

    After a record seven weeks (!) at the best campground in all of Vermont — otherwise known as our friend’s beautiful backyard — we finally hitched up and started our…