A short post today because we are headed up to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore this morning. The campground operates on a first-come-first-serve basis so we want to get there as early as possible. Hopefully because it’s Sunday lots of people will be leaving and we can get a spot. If not there are plenty of other campgrounds outside of the park.
This morning we went to a huge farmers market in Muskegon today. Someone forgot to put the card in the camera so there were no pictures taken :( I can show you what we got though…

Farmers Market goodies!
Look at all that stuff! Believe me it was hard not to buy more. It was only our lack of food storage in the airstream that prevented me from going crazy. This farmers market was quite a bit bigger than any I’ve ever been to. It was also very crowed. People were everywhere, filling baskets, boxes and wheeled carts with produce, or waiting in line to pay This is definitely the place to be on a Saturday in Muskegon. Not only were the produce, baked goods, & potted plants plentiful, but everything was so inexpensive. I got a bunch of carrots for $1, a basket of potatoes for $2, a basil plant for $1.50 and the find of the day, nine jalapeño peppers for only a dollar.
What do you do with nine jalapeño peppers? Well…I chopped one up and used it in a watermelon and peach salsa, I grilled four, and the rest are stored in the fridge until I decide how else to use them.

Grilled jalapeños
After dinner we went down to the beach for our nightly walk and swim. We finally got Phin some more tennis balls and he had a blast chasing them around in the waves. He’s decided that his favorite beach time activity is to get as wet as possible then flop down in the dry sand and roll around until he’s completely covered in a sandy layer.

A very sandy dog
The Airstream floor might never be clean again.
1 comment
You found your basil plant, yay!