This week we’re back at the Santa Fe Skies RV Park. We stayed here last spring and liked it enough to return for our pre-Balloon Fiesta location. The fiesta is actually in Albuquerque, but we liked Santa Fe a lot more than ABQ, so decided to stay here instead. This afternoon we’ll head down to the Route 66 Casino where we’ll spend the night in their parking lot, putting us in a prime position to head over to Camping World for the Friday morning meet up with the Airstream group.

We may love boondocking, but sometimes there’s nothing better than a nice clean cement patio!
Despite the fact that we really like Santa Fe, we didn’t end up doing any exploration of the city and surrounding area this week. We didn’t plan it that way, in fact I really wanted to take a drive up to the ski area to see the Aspen trees in all their fall finery, and maybe even visit one of the many, many museums in town. But the week got away from us and we never found the time. What we did find time for was a bunch of socializing. Starting with a dinner at the lovely home of our local friends Cassie & Kris.

Cassie & Kris with the Sangre De Cristo Mtns in the background.
We first met these two during their year of RVing, and then reconnected last spring when we came through the area. This time they invited us over to their house for dinner where we enjoyed a couple of relaxing hours hanging out on their patio, taking in the view, and eating a yummy meal. It’s going to be awhile before we make it back this way, so I am really glad that we got to see them one more time before we head east.

A rare picture of Juniper not in motion, Yummy dinner, Classic southwest decor
Out next social engagement was with Kate and Iain of the blog The Scenic Route. These fairly new full-timing Airstreamers are also going to the Balloon Fiesta as part of the Airstream group. We’ve been communicating online, and when we learned that we would both be staying at the Santa Fe Skies park this week, a pre-fiesta meet-up was planned. They came over to our site for dinner one night, and then we went over to their site a few days later. As usually happens when we meet other RVers, we had a ton to talk about and are excited that we get to spend more time with them at the fiesta.

Hanging out with Kate & Iain
We also met up with another very new full-timing, Airstreamer couple, Lauri & Jase. These two are only about a month into their journey and blog under the name Wander Wasi. They made a brief stop over here in Santa Fe on their way to ABQ to have some work done on their truck before the fiesta starts. We spent a few hours at their site chatting about their decision to make the leap to full-timing, how they found the perfect RV (they have a 30′ Serenity AS), and where they hope travel this year. We also met their two very cute pups. I didn’t take any pictures because we’ve reached that pesky time of year when it gets too dark for photos if you’re outside past seven o’clock, but we’ll see them more this weekend so I am sure I can make up for it. We plan to coordinate our arrival time at CW with both of these couples so we can park next to each on the field. Lots of exciting stuff coming up!

Around the RV park: Sunrise, pretty flowers by the front gate, and a fiery sunset
Have a wonderful time at the Balloon Festival. I am sure it will be a great time since there are so many of you attending together. Good to make some connections before hand:)
I guess it will be a long time before we catch you two again since we are moving west as you move east. I will be anxious to hear your thoughts about being east again after several years in the west.
Looking forward to your balloon photos!!!
It was so great to meet you guys in person this week. Kate and I are excited to be heading to ABQ in the morning and travelling into the Balloon Fiesta with you for an awesome weekend.
You are going to love, love, love Fiesta. Can’t wait to see your pics! Enjoy
Have a fabulous time at the balloon festival. I am so envious and looking forward to your next post. :)